Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein has an amazing book called “The State in the Third Millennium”, in which he mentions that he sees running his country as running a hotel.
“The objective must be to transform all states into peaceful service companies.”
It is not only a better business model but also a moral imperative. The ruler serves the people.
This is actually a very old concept. The head of the state is there to serve the people.
In his old coat of arms, Prince Charles of England has the phrase “ich dien”, I serve.
This is the animating spirit of the techbro - “I’m starting a startup to democratize x” is skeuomorphic thinking. If you read Curtis Yarvin, you can break from this way of thinking. He makes the clear point that when someone says “we should democratize x”, that has a good connotation; if someone says “we should politize x” it has a bad connotation. This is one of the most subtle ways of doing Russell Conjugation.
Techbros need to realize that to democratize is the animating spirit of the boomers. Our animating spirit is what Prince Hans-Adam II talks about - to transform all states into peaceful service companies. This is our moral imperative.
Society as a Service - the new SaaS.
The only point in which I differ from Prince Hans-Adam II is that I think the best state is not run like a hotel but like a GYM.
Salus populi suprema lex.
Pablo- There's something about these images you shared that reminds me that the present is so much a function of both the future *and* the past. Your writing is a great reminder. Hope you're well this week. Cheers, -Thalia